

Since I don't speak German I asked google translator help me to understand what this sentence means:
Achtung: nicht anklicken, hier lauert ein Virus und der heißt
This is from a forum post with a link to panoye.com. OK, I understand "achtung", and "virus", but google translator translated me the full sentence:
Caution: Not click, a virus lurks here in the states
Hhhmmm... It seems that somebody is claiming that there is a virus on my site. Am I right? If so -- you have my word that there are no viruses here. The problem is that panoramas need javascript to work, but some versions of Internet explorer will not let javascript run unless the user confirms. But even then -- Javascript can't read or write files on your computer.

If you don't believe me, here is a quote from a 'Security' section in the Wikipedia Javascript article:
Browser authors contain this risk using two restrictions. First, scripts run in a sandbox in which they can only perform Web-related actions, not general-purpose programming tasks like creating files. Second, scripts are constrained by the same origin policy: scripts from one Web site do not have access to information such as usernames, passwords, or cookies sent to another site.
Update: I was wrong!

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